Thursday, November 5, 2009

Perang Nuklear 2012 ?

Project 2012 Intro: Predictions Coming True? Nuclear War Begins Soon?
2009 January 6

by pakalert

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We are updating this post regularly. Please keep visiting to see latest research material.
“If the Third World War is fought with nuclear weapons, the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows.”
Lord Louis Mountbatten

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
Albert Einstein

1130 days left for Age of Transition to begin!
Prepare For The Worst – Plan For The Best!

For more Articles and updates on Project 2012, browse this tag

There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as New World Age ( World is not going to end but millions of people could die in the process of New Age Transition). The ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, the Book of Revelation and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching all point to this specific date as the end of civilization. A new technology called “The Web-Bot Project” makes massive scans of the internet as a means of forecasting the future… and has turned up the same dreaded date: 2012.

Skeptics point to a long history of “Failed Doomsdays”, but many oracles of doom throughout history have a disturbingly accurate track record.

Prophesies from many traditions from all over the world over speak of a great transformative shift that is happening in the years around 2012. The Mayan calendar comes to a close on December 21st 2012. The Q’ero Shamans of Peru speak of this same timeframe in their prophecy called Pacha Kuti which is the time in which they say that the luminous ones will return and the world will be turned right side up again. The Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Cherokee, Maori, Jews, Christians and many others have ancient prophesies that speak to the nature of this very crucial and amazing moment in time. We are documenting much of this traditional knowledge and more in this research project.

Click here to see latest research, references, documentaries, videos etc – Update regularly

World Political Map

Many analysts and experts are now saying that something BIG is coming… Greatest Depression , rising tensions in Middle East (Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine….) and South Asia (IndiaPakistan), Russia is getting stronger and making strategic moves, China silently emerging as a serious threat to the Super Powers.. all fully prepared and loaded with Nukes for a possible War! Ready to take avenges (cold wars and WW2). The World War 2 ended by the Nuclear explosions ( Hiroshima and Nagasaki ) and now experts predicting that the WW3 (The Greatest War) will start by a Nuclear attack on Israel, Iran or Pakistan… near 2012 that will transit this Age/Civilization into the New World Age on 21st Dec 2012!

The majority of world’s population is not involved in politics.. they are simple, innocent and common people.. this is not the matter of any country, any nation or any religion now… not any more! If this happens, each and every being on this earth will be affected!

Pak Alert has launched “Project 2012″ to research this topic and investigate the facts in the light of current global geo-political developments , astrology readings and sacred prophecies about End of days/ Age transitions and try to authenticate the possibility of a Nuclear War/ Armageddon before 2012.

Does the world have a couple billion fully stocked shelters to help humans survive nearby blasts and protect against radiation for months, and feed people for years, after the war?? (NEW: Please see Bunker videos ) Considering the VERY LIMITED time left, we are also researching to understand how we can practically and quickly create low cost nuclear protection bunkers for civilians, preserve and store seeds, dry food, gold/silver ( start buying gold/silver now!) and all other pertaining factors to survival after Nuclear Armageddon. Our objective is to educate people about what devastation a nuclear war could bring and how we can help each other to save ourselves from a possible nuclear attack…this is not just about 2012 prophecies .. but this makes perfect scene in the presences of thousands of nuclear warheads and other modern warfare weapons around the globe wholly for the purpose of Mass Genocide and Destruction! We will start publishing our research reports soon.

We all should gear up now and start thinking about our survival! There is no harm in keeping this thought in mind, live normal life but plan future smartly!
We sincerely hope that WE ARE WRONG!

azley (blog administrator): this article was originally published by parkalert.wordpress. For more infos pls refer to the blog stated below. Thank you.

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Project 2012: Predictions Coming True? Nuclear War Begins Soon?
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Video: Prelude to Death; The End of the World – World War III (FINAL CUT)
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